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(HenryBloke, 6. 8. 2020 13:15)
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(HenryBloke, 6. 8. 2020 11:59)
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Financial robot guarantees everyone stability and income. Link - https://plbtc.page.link/zXbp
(HenryBloke, 6. 8. 2020 8:41)
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(HenryBloke, 6. 8. 2020 7:59)
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(HenryBloke, 6. 8. 2020 1:25)
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(HenryBloke, 5. 8. 2020 23:31)
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(HenryBloke, 5. 8. 2020 21:27)
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(HenryBloke, 5. 8. 2020 21:25)
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(JamesSuike, 5. 8. 2020 18:24)
Albrigi Tecnologie srl, a company owned by Stefano Albrigi, is a solid reality with thirty years of know-how in the construction of plants for mixing, storage and treatment of liquids.
All production and storage systems have special requirements due to the type of products to be preserved and/or treated, the location of the plant and even the size. In order to be able to meet all these market demands, Albrigi Tecnologie has, in just a few decades, taken a global leadership role in research, design, development and manufacture of highly individual treatment and storage plants that respond exactly to the specific needs of the partner-customer.
Albrigi has created a plant for the preparation of high viscosity products that aims to multiply the production capacity and revolutionize the production system. The heart of the system includes two reactors / mixers - made of AISI 316 L stainless steel - with 3 different rotating mixing systems inserted inside the tanks. All with the ability to work even under vacuum, guaranteeing - automatically - homogeneity to the final product, and therefore high quality. This system performs heating - cooling - vacuum or pressure - weighing, mixing processes with the use of three different automatic mixing and washing system technologies. The drain is facilitated with a 45 ° cone - with ladder and service catwalk - power board - control console.
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(HenryBloke, 5. 8. 2020 18:21)
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(HenryBloke, 5. 8. 2020 17:24)
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(HenryBloke, 5. 8. 2020 15:06)
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(HenryBloke, 5. 8. 2020 14:53)
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(HenryBloke, 5. 8. 2020 12:07)
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Financial robot is the best companion of rich people. Link - https://plbtc.page.link/zXbp
(HenryBloke, 5. 8. 2020 10:13)
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Калибровка прошивок ЭБУ на заказ
(ThomasemOre, 6. 8. 2020 15:11)